Thursday, August 13, 2009

Egoic Interference

Today, we are going to examine the concept of Egoic Interference, and the effects it has on the individual.

Ascension, our main goal here, is the process that a person takes to remove the Ego's hold on the body's consciousness. Before I go further, I'll explain a few things.

I have capitalized Ego because many people view it as an "outside" entity. While the concept will range from a full-fledged evil entity (Satan, demonic attack, etc) to simply a person's instinctual brain developed when humans had to activate their fight or flight responses to survive in the wild.

Regardless of what the Ego actually is, we can easily define its' effects on the human experience. Your Ego, from the moment you are born, begins to shape your position on the events that occur around you. For ease, I will break this concept down into steps. Step 1) An event occurs. Step 2) You witness the event. Step 3) Your Ego takes possession of the event by placing you in a dominant position; the events are now purposefully directed towards you. Step 4) Your Ego then makes judgments on that event. Step 5) Positionality is created as the judgments are processed and emotions are assigned to your interpretation.

For example, we will discuss a hypothetical interaction between James and Jessica. Jessica walks into a coffee shop, where James is sitting down, drinking a coffee and reading. Jessica looks down and, seeing James looking up, smiles at him and walks by, assuming he is interested in her.
We will break this down into steps now. Step 1) Eye contact was made between two people of the opposite sex. Step 2) Jessica "witnessed" the event. What I mean here is she experienced some aspect of the event. In this case, she saw a person who was looking in a certain direction. Step 3) Jessica's Ego took possession of the event. The dominant position in this example is obvious: Jessica's very assumption that the events occurring were occurring to her. He was making a statement by looking at her. Step 4) Judgments were then made. IE: assumption of physical attraction. Step 5) Positionality is created when physical attraction is assigned an emotional content. In this example happiness, of a sort, is assigned to Jessica's judgment.

If you find yourself reacting emotionally to the previous story, saying with great conviction, “Well, that certainly doesn't sound like a bad situation! Maybe they have a shot at being happy, and who should take that away from them?" You have probably just gone through your own set of 5 steps right now. You would have just assigned an emotion to a judgment created by your own Ego. Realize at this point we aren’t looking to put a positive or negative spin on Egoic interference, we are simply diagramming the process in which the Ego takes outside events and makes them of personal, visceral importance to you. If this has happened to you, try to go back through the five steps and diagram the Egoic journey you made while reading this example.

So we see now how the Ego takes possession of events that occur in life. The addition of emotional content to events is termed "Positionality". This idea of Positionality encompasses all of the harmful aspects of the Ego, and is the main roadblock to ascension of any kind. As a person grows up and continues to color all aspects of everything that happens around them through their own particular lens, they develop cracks in their psychology which, in turn, inhibits their ability to be peaceful and be able to express love in an unconditional manner.

Positionality however, will be the subject of our next post! In it, I will discuss examples and theories behind why being positional inhibits us from living our lives to the fullest, happiest we can.

As always, for further information, you can visit the two links below - and see what we do for people!

AscensionEnergy, BioEtherics

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