Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What is Bio Etherics?

As has been said by our resident guru, our job is to "remove negativity."
Conversely, if a person has no negativity, he must be happy. So our job is to make you happy!

This is how it works, in theory.

Einstein spent a huge part in his life in pursuit of the solution of the "Grand Unified Field Theory." What this theory is, in a nutshell, is the correlation between all the forces in the known universe. You have strong and weak nuclear forces, gravity and electromagnetism. Einstein died before this theory was solved and, in the view of mainstream science, the theory remains unsolved.
The person that becomes important to us is a man named Burkhard Heim. The Heim theory had a huge part to play in the creation of the Bio Resonance technology and, whether right or wrong, gave us a very interesting perspective on reality.

In order to solve his equation, Heim had to account for factors outside of the known body of science. This required the theorization of additional dimensions. The theory is that there are at least two sets of dimensions outside of our length, width, height, time reality. The first of the two sets is concept (or possibility) forming. The second set is manifestation (or probability) forming. What this means is that in the first set, furthest from our standard reality, possibilities for manifestation are formed. For example, in this set the possibility for anger at your friend's most recent outburst exist. In the second set probabilities for the manifestation of the possibilities are created. For example, you become angry at your friend.

The theory of this should be old hat for people who are familiar with attractor theory, from the Power vs. Force series, written by Dr. David Hawkins, or a movie called The Secret. If it doesn't make sense quite yet, I'll add a little to the explanation as related to The Secret... The main premise of that movie is that what you think about and project mentally, you will manifest. (starting to sound familiar?)

Let us take a hypothetical Roy. Roy wants to become a happier person. Roy therefore, projects the thoughts of health, positivity and openness to healing, daily. Now in our dimensional concept, the real possibility of Roy being a healthy individual already exists (because all possibilities exist in the first dimensional set). As Roy concentrates on this one concept he energizes the 2nd dimensional set, which thereby boosts the chances of his concept to be manifested. After enough power is put into the 2nd set, the concept can cross over into our normal, 4 dimensional "real" reality.

The unit that enables all of this transfer and creation, we have labeled the tachyon. I simply don't know enough high level theoretical science to explain this mathematically, so I'll just discuss theory as I know it... in the next post!

I'll continue later on in the day or week!

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