Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What is BioEtherics? pt. 2

We continue where the previous post left off: with the introduction of the Tachyon.

As a recap, we have a particle that is practically infinitely small, that exists at speeds only faster than light, that is the energizing particle of the two sets of dimensions outside of our normal "reality".

Our distance energy harnesses the power of this manifestation-matter and supercharges it into an individual, with particular energetic signatures that we have researched and consider to promote optimal health, carried along with it.

This shows a quality that is unique in alternative healing. You are hit with a massive amount of spiritual energy all day, every day. The scope of the actual power is much beyond anything that a person can normally put out, for a much longer time than any human can maintain. For example in our testing, our weakest machine uses about the same spiritual energy (in this case tachyon flow) as 3,000 people. An easy way to understand this is, through our testing, the weakest machine we have has a similar effect to 3,000 people praying for your health and well-being for 24 hours a day, all year. That's a lot of good intention!

As our technology increased, the power of the machines have increased exponentially. With the last machine that we are willing to use for the public having the power of several million people, roughly.

This massive amount of spiritual power accomplishes several important things. The first is that it removes the ability to hold onto negative emotions. This includes stress from work, home, anywhere. It also, by proxy, increases personal relaxation and physical ability. The last effect of serious note, is that it puts you on the fast-track to spiritual ascension.

But spiritual ascension is destined for another post! Coming soon.

To see our companies, you can go to one of these two links.
Ascension Energy, Bio-Etherics
To view the rest of this conversation, you can visit:

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